Section 6 - Communications with Clients and Adversaries

As amended through June 28, 2024
Section 6 - Communications with Clients and Adversaries

A lawyer should at all times be civil, courteous, and accurate in communication with clients and adversaries, whether in writing or orally.

Specifically, a lawyer who manifests professional courtesy and civility:

(a) Does not send a written communication assigning to an opposing party a position that party has not taken or to create a "record" of events that have not occurred.
(b) Makes sparing use of written communications intended only to make a record and then only when the lawyer thinks it is necessary given all the circumstances.
(c) Does not send a copy of a written communication addressed to opposing counsel to the judge unless specifically allowed by the court.
(d) Does not fail or refuse, without justification, to respond to the phone calls and written communications of the lawyer's clients and/or opposing counsel.
Amended effective 10/4/2004; amended September 7, 2017, effective 1/1/2018; amended August 22, 2023, effective 1/1/2024.