In the event a complaint is filed within two weeks before a judicial election, or if circumstances otherwise dictate, the committee may accelerate this schedule or eliminate steps (b) and (c) as the committee deems necessary and consistent with due process. Each of the above papers must be served on the committee only and shall be kept confidential except as described above. The identity of the complainant will remain confidential until the committee's decision is communicated to the parties, unless that confidentiality is waived by the complainant. Any party breaching the confidentiality of this process shall be subject to a Public Statement as set forth in this Rule.
If the Special Committee determines after the papers from the parties are reviewed that the allegations do not warrant speedy intervention, the committee shall dismiss the complaint or refer it to the full Investigative Panel for such other action as may be appropriate under these Rules, and shall so notify the complainant and the subject of the complaint.
If it is determined that the allegations do warrant speedy intervention, the special Committee is authorized to:
R. Judi. Qual. Commi. Ga. 29