Rule 43.3 - Sanctioning ProceduresSanctioning procedures for failure to comply with Rule 43.1 are as follows:
(A) In December of each year, the chair of the MCJE Committee shall request a report from ICJE detailing the creditable participation of judges in MCJE activities for that calendar year. (B) A judge who fails to attain the required 12 hours in any year will be notified by the chair of the MCJE Committee, or his designee, that he has not met the MCJE requirement for that year, and a copy of this notice will be furnished to the Chief Judge for the State Court in which the judge presides.(C) A judge who fails to earn a minimum of 12 hours per year may receive a private administrative admonition issued from the MCJE Committee, detailing the potential consequences of failure to fulfill the training requirements. Any required make-up of a prior calendar year's deficiency in accruing MCJE hours is expected to occur within three months, or by March 31 of the next year, unless due to extraordinary circumstances a longer period for curing the deficiency is granted by the MCJE Committee. (D) Upon a judge's failure to fulfill the training requirements at the end of a two-year period, the President of the Council of State Court Judges shall issue a public reprimand, with a copy spread upon the minutes of the county where the judge serves, except as otherwise provided herein. The public reprimand for a senior judge shall be spread upon the minutes of the county where the judge last served prior to retirement. However, one month prior to the public reprimand being issued, the MCJE Committee shall give to said judge notice of the impending public reprimand, and the judge shall have 10 days to respond with an explanation and a request that the public reprimand not be issued. The MCJE Committee shall then decide whether or not to ask the President of the Council to issue the public reprimand.