Ga. R. Sup. Ct. Form SC-10
The prosecuting attorney shall concurrently with filing any accusation or within one business day after the return of an indictment file a criminal case information form with the clerk of court. That form shall include the following information:
State of Georgia v. ____________________________
State Identification No. (SID): ____________________________
DOB: ____________________________
OTN: ____________________________
Charges: __________________________________________
Severity level of most serious charge:
[]Serious []Felony []Misdemeanor
Assistant District Attorney
Bar Number__________________
Serious felony" is any case in which there is a charge for murder; armed robbery; kidnapping; rape; aggravated child molestation; aggravated sodomy; aggravated sexual battery or racketeering.
This form contains criminal history record information and is being sent to the deputy clerk to assist in the submission of said information to the Georgia Crime Information Center under OCGA § 35-3-30. Georgia law prohibits any further dissemination or filing of this document. OCGA § 35-3-38.
Ga. R. Sup. Ct. Form SC-10