Ga. R. Prof. Cond. 4-204

As amended through December 10, 2024
Rule 4-204 - Investigation and Disposition by State Disciplinary Board-Generally
(a) Each matter that presents sufficient merit to proceed may be referred with a Notice of Investigation to the State Disciplinary Board for investigation and disposition in accordance with its Rules. The Clerk of the State Disciplinary Boards shall assign a lawyer member of the State Disciplinary Board to be responsible for the investigation. The Office of the General Counsel shall simultaneously assign a staff investigator to assist the State Disciplinary Board member with the investigation. If the investigation of the State Disciplinary Board establishes Probable Cause to believe that the respondent has violated one or more of the provisions of Part IV, Chapter 1 of these Rules, it shall:
(1) issue a Formal Letter of Admonition;
(2) issue a Confidential Reprimand;
(3) issue a Notice of Discipline;
(4) refer the case to the Supreme Court of Georgia for hearing before a Special Master and file a formal complaint with the Supreme Court of Georgia, all as hereinafter provided; or
(5) refer a respondent for evaluation by an appropriate medical or mental health professional pursuant to Rule 4-104 upon the State Disciplinary Board's determination that there is cause to believe the lawyer is impaired.

All other cases may be either dismissed by the State Disciplinary Board or referred to the Client Assistance Program so that it may direct the complaining party to appropriate resources.

(b) The primary investigation shall be conducted by the member of the State Disciplinary Board responsible for the investigation, assisted by the staff of the Office of the General Counsel, upon request of the State Disciplinary Board member. The Board of Governors of the State Bar of Georgia shall fund the Office of the General Counsel so that the Office of the General Counsel will be able to adequately investigate and prosecute all cases.

Ga. R. Prof. Cond. 4-204