Rule 4-201.1 - State Disciplinary Review Board(a) The power to review for error final reports and recommendations of Special Masters in public proceedings arising under the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct is hereby vested in the State Disciplinary Review Board.(b) The State Disciplinary Review Board shall consist of the Immediate Past President of the State Bar of Georgia; the Immediate Past President of the Young Lawyers Division of the State Bar of Georgia or a member of the Young Lawyers Division designated by its Immediate Past President; seven members of the State Bar of Georgia, two from each of the three federal judicial districts of Georgia and one at large appointed as described below; and two nonlawyer members appointed as described below. The Supreme Court of Georgia and the President of the State Bar of Georgia are encouraged to make appointments that will ensure the geographic, gender, racial, and generational diversity of the State Disciplinary Review Board. No State Disciplinary Review Board member may serve for more than two consecutive terms, including a term underway at the time this Rule goes into effect. (1) The Immediate Past President of the State Bar of Georgia and the Immediate Past President of the Young Lawyers Division of the State Bar of Georgia (or member of the Young Lawyers Division designated by its Immediate Past President) shall serve only during the term of their office, shall serve as members ex officio, and shall not increase the quorum requirement. (2) All other members shall be appointed for three-year terms, except as provided in paragraph (b) (3) below. When the term of appointment of a member expires in an even-numbered year, the seat shall be filled by the appointment of the Supreme Court of Georgia for a term of three years; and when the term of appointment of a member expires in an odd-numbered year, the seat shall be filled by the appointment of the President of the State Bar of Georgia with the approval of the Board of Governors.(3) Whenever the seat of an appointed member becomes vacant prior to the expiration of the term of appointment, the seat shall be filled for the unexpired term by the appointment of the Supreme Court of Georgia or the President of the State Bar of Georgia, whichever appointed the member whose seat has become vacant.(4) The State Disciplinary Review Board shall remove a member for failure to attend meetings of the State Disciplinary Review Board or for other good cause, and the seat of a member so removed shall be filled as provided in paragraph (b) (3) above.(5) At the first meeting following an Annual Meeting of the State Bar of Georgia the State Disciplinary Review Board shall elect a Chair and Vice-Chair. (c) request, State Disciplinary Review Board members shall be reimbursed for their reasonable travel expenses in attending meetings of the State Disciplinary Review Board. The Internal Rules of the State Disciplinary Review Board provide further explanation of the travel and reimbursement policies.(d) State Disciplinary Review Board members may request reimbursement for postage, copying, and other expenses necessary for their work reviewing cases.Ga. R. Prof. Cond. 4-201.1