R. Regul. Fl. Bar 2-5.1
A program for the annual meeting of The Florida Bar shall be prepared by the president, with the advice and consent of the board of governors. Such program, when approved by the board of governors, shall be the order of business for the annual meeting and such order of business shall not be altered, except by consent of two-thirds of the members in good standing present and voting. Only the president, with the advice and consent of the board of governors, shall have the authority to extend invitations to nonmembers to attend the annual meeting as honored guests or speakers at the expense of The Florida Bar. No section or committee shall create any debt of The Florida Bar in connection with an annual meeting without prior approval of the board of governors. All papers, addresses, and reports read before or submitted at a meeting shall become the property of The Florida Bar and may be published by The Florida Bar. A registration fee for attendance at the annual meeting may be fixed by the board of governors to defray the costs and expenses in connection with such meeting.
R. Regul. Fl. Bar 2-5.1