R. Regul. Fl. Bar 10-5.1

As amended through January 1, 2025
(a) Complaints. All complaints alleging unlicensed practice of law, except those initiated by The Florida Bar, must be in writing and signed by the complainant and contain a statement providing that:

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing document and that to the best of my knowledge and belief the facts stated in it are true.

(b) Review by Bar Counsel. The complaint will be reviewed by bar counsel who will determine whether the alleged conduct, if proven, would constitute a violation of the prohibition against engaging in the unlicensed practice of law. Bar counsel may conduct a preliminary, informal investigation to aid in this determination and, if necessary, may employ a Florida bar staff investigator to aid in the preliminary investigation. If bar counsel determines that the facts, if proven, would not constitute a violation, bar counsel may decline to pursue the complaint. A decision by bar counsel not to pursue a complaint will not preclude further action or review under the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar. The complainant will be notified of a decision not to pursue a complaint including the reasons for not pursuing the complaint.
(c) Referral to Circuit Committee. Bar counsel may refer a UPL file to a circuit committee for further investigation or action as authorized elsewhere in these rules.
(d) Closing by Bar Counsel and Committee Chair. If bar counsel and a circuit committee chair concur in a finding that the case should be closed without a finding of unlicensed practice of law, the complaint may be closed on such finding without reference to the circuit committee or standing committee.
(e) Referral to Bar Counsel for Opening. A complaint received by a circuit committee or standing committee member directly from a complainant will be reported to bar counsel for docketing and assignment of a case number. If the circuit committee or standing committee member decides that the facts, if proven, would not constitute a violation of the unlicensed practice of law, the circuit committee or standing committee member will forward this finding to bar counsel along with the complaint for notification to the complainant as outlined above. Formal investigation by a circuit committee may proceed after the matter has been referred to bar counsel for docketing.

R. Regul. Fl. Bar 10-5.1

Amended July 23, 1992, effective 1/1/1993 (605 So.2d 252); 7/17/1997 (697 So.2d 115); 4/25/2002 (820 So.2d 210), amended November 9, 2017, effective 2/1/2018 (SC16-1962).