Fl. R. Civ. P. form 1.917
To Each Sheriff of the State:
YOU ARE COMMANDED to detain the defendant, .......... and to require the defendant to give bond in the sum of $.......... payable to the Governor of Florida and the Governor's successors in office conditioned that the defendant will answer plaintiff's pleading in this action and will not depart from the state without leave of court and will comply with the lawful orders of this court, with sureties to be approved by the clerk of this court. If the defendant does not give the bond, the defendant shall be taken into custody and be confined in the .......... County jail until the defendant gives the bond or until further order of this court. If the defendant does not give the bond, the defendant shall be brought before a judge of this court within 24 hours of confinement.
DATED on ..........
(Name of Clerk)
As Clerk of the Court
By _____________
As Deputy Clerk
Fl. R. Civ. P. form 1.917
Committee Notes
1976 Amendment. See 1976 Op. Att'y Gen. Fla. 076-13 (Jan. 23, 1976).