Fl. Prob. R. 5.902
In the Circuit Court of the
______Judicial Circuit,
in and for__________
County, Florida
Probate Division
Case No._____
In Re: Guardianship of
Respondent's Name
Petitioner, ______________, files this petition pursuant to section 744. 1097, Florida Statutes, and alleges that:
( ) a. the incapacitated person resides in .....(county)....., Florida;
( ) b. the incapacitated person is not a Florida resident but owns property in .....(county)....., Florida; or
( ) c. a debtor of the incapacitated person resides in .....(county)...., Florida and the incapacitated person is not a Florida resident and does not own property in Florida.
( ) a. plenary; or
( ) b. limited.
( ) a. of the person;
( ) b. of the property; or
( ) c. of the person and property.
Name | Address | Relationship |
( ) a. the petitioner proposes that .....(name).....be appointed as guardian and that .....(name).....is qualified to serve;
( ) b. a willing and qualified guardian has not been located; or
( ) c. the proposed guardian is a professional guardian and has complied with the registration requirements of section 744.2002, Florida Statutes.
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing, and the facts alleged are true, to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signed .....(date)......
Phone Number:__________
E-mail Address:__________
In the Circuit Court of the
____________Judicial Circuit,
in and for________________
County, Florida
Probate Division
Case No.________
In Re: Guardianship of
Respondent's Name
( ) a. person;
( ) b. property; or
( ) c. person and property
is consistent with the respondent's welfare and safety, is the least restrictive alternative, and reserves to the respondent the right to make decisions in all matters commensurate with the ward's ability to do so.
( ) a. person;
( ) b. property; or
( ) c. person and property of the ward
( ) b. there is no standby guardian or preneed guardian;
( ) c. there is a standby guardian or preneed guardian, but such person is not qualified to serve pursuant to section 744.309, Florida Statutes; or
( ) d. there is a standby guardian or preneed guardian, but appointment of such person is contrary to the best interests of the ward because:__________________________________________
( ) b. the following advance directive exists and is entitled .....(name of advance directive).....and is dated .....(date of advance directive).....;
( ) c. the advance directive is being revoked or modified and the surrogate under the advance directive entitled .....(name of advance directive).....and is dated .....(date of advance directive).....was given notice of this proceeding and any motion to revoke or modify the advance directive; or
( ) d. if the advance directive is being revoked or modified the facts supporting the revocation or modification:
ORDERED and ADJUDGED as follows:
( ) a. person;
( ) b. property; or
( ) c. person and property of the ward.
( ) a. to contract;
( ) b. to sue and defend lawsuits;
( ) c. to apply for government benefits;
( ) d. to manage property or to make any gift or disposition of property;
( ) e. to determine the ward's residence;
( ) f. to consent to medical and mental health treatment; and
( ) g. to make decisions about the ward's social environment or other social aspects of the ward's life.
( ) a. must; or
( ) b. is not required to
place all, or part, of the property of the ward in a restricted account in a financial institution designated pursuant to section 69.031, Florida Statutes.
( ) b. the advance directive entitled (name of advance directive).....and is dated .....(date of advance directive).....is being modified or revoked as follows:
( ) i. the surrogate shall not continue to exercise any authority over the ward with regard to health care decisions;
( ) ii. the surrogate shall continue to exercise authority over the respondent with regard to health care decisions;
( ) iii. the surrogate shall exercise the following authority over the ward with regard to:____________
______________________________________________________________; or
( ) iv. The guardian shall exercise the following authority over the ward with regard to health care decisions:_____________________________________________________________
ORDERED this .....(date)......
Fl. Prob. R. 5.902