Fl. Prob. R. 5.555
Fl. Prob. R. 5.555
Committee Notes
The provisions of chapter 744, Florida Statutes, and the guardianship rules enacted in 1989 leave some uncertainty with respect to the procedural requirements in guardianships for minors who are not incapacitated persons. This rule is intended to address only certain procedures with respect to the establishment and administration of guardianships over minors. The committee believes that certain provisions of the guardianship law and rules apply to both guardianships of minors as well as guardianships of incapacitated persons and no change has been suggested with respect to such rules. Because no adjudication of a minor is required by statute, it is contemplated that appointment of a guardian for a minor may be accomplished without a hearing. Initial and annual guardianship reports for minors have been simplified where all assets are on deposit with a designated financial institution under applicable Florida law.
Rule History
1991 Revision: New rule adopted to apply to guardianships over minors who are not incapacitated persons.
1992 Revision: Committee notes revised. Citation form changes in committee notes.
1996 Revision: Committee notes revised.
2000 Revision: Deletes requirement in subdivision (c) to report social security number of proposed guardian.
2003 Revision: Deletes requirement in subdivision (c) to report social security number of minor. Committee notes revised.
2006 Revision: Subdivision (e)(2) amended to conform to requirement in sections 744.362(1) and 744.3675, Florida Statutes, to file initial and annual guardianship plans. Subdivision (e)(3) amended to eliminate requirement of service on ward unless ordered by court or required by statute.
2014 Revision: Fla. R. Gen. Prac. & Jud. Admin. 2.425(b)(4) - (5) provides exceptions for using the birth date of any minor "whenever the birth date is necessary for the court to establish or maintain subject matter jurisdiction," as well as using the full name in situations in which the "name of the minor in any order relating to parental responsibility, time-sharing, or child support." Committee notes revised.
2020 Revision: Subdivision (c)(6) amended to include reference to section 744.446, Florida Statutes, and subdivision (c)(9) amended to conform to section 744.334, Florida Statutes, and the list of alternatives to guardianships.
2021 Revision: Committee notes revised.
Statutory References
§ 69.031, Fla. Stat. Designated financial institutions for property in hands of guardians, curators, administrators, trustees, receivers, or other officers.
§ 744.3021, Fla. Stat. Guardians of minors.
§ 744.3085, Fla. Stat. Guardian advocates.
§ 744.334, Fla. Stat. Petition for appointment of guardian or professional guardian; contents.
§ 744.3371(2), Fla. Stat. Notice of petition for appointment of guardian and hearing.
§ 744.342, Fla. Stat. Minors; guardianship.
§ 744.362, Fla. Stat. Initial guardianship report.
§ 744.363, Fla. Stat. Initial guardianship plan.
§ 744.365, Fla. Stat. Verified inventory.
§ 744.367, Fla. Stat. Duty to file annual guardianship report.
§ 744.3675, Fla. Stat. Annual guardianship plan.
§ 744.3678, Fla. Stat. Annual accounting.
§ 744.3679, Fla. Stat. Simplified accounting procedures in certain cases.
§ 744.446, Fla. Stat. Conflicts of interest; prohibited activities; court approval; breach of fiduciary duty.
Rule References
Fla. Prob. R. 5.040 Notice.
Fla. Prob. R. 5.541 Recording of hearings.
Fla. Prob. R. 5.560 Petition for appointment of guardian of an incapacitated person.
Fla. Prob. R. 5.620 Inventory.
Fla. Prob. R. 5.636 Settlement of minors' claims.
Fla. Prob. R. 5.690 Initial guardianship report.
Fla. R. Gen. Prac. & Jud. Admin. 2.425 Minimization of the Filing of Sensitive Information.