Fl. Prob. R. 5.215
An authenticated copy of a will may be admitted to probate if the original could be admitted to probate in Florida.
Fl. Prob. R. 5.215
Committee Notes
Rule History
2002 Revision: New rule, derived from former rule 5.210(a)(4).
2003 Revision: Committee notes revised.
Statutory References
§ 733.205, Fla. Stat. Probate of notarial will.
§ 733.206, Fla. Stat. Probate of will of resident after foreign probate.
§ 734.102, Fla. Stat. Ancillary administration.
§ 734.1025, Fla. Stat. Nonresident decedent's testate estate with property not exceeding $50,000 in this state; determination of claims.
§ 734.104, Fla. Stat. Foreign wills; admission to record; effect on title.
Rule References
Fla. Prob. R. 5.200 Petition for administration.
Fla. Prob. R. 5.210 Probate of wills without administration.
Fla. Prob. R. 5.470 Ancillary administration.
Fla. Prob. R. 5.475 Ancillary administration, short form.