Sup. Ct. R. D.C. 12
This rule incorporates the 2014 amendments to Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 12, except that section (e) has not been reserved. In addition to the 2014 federal amendments, the Superior Court rule now includes federal subsections (c)(1)-(2), which allow the court to establish the motion deadlines. Correspondingly, motion deadlines have been removed from Rule 47.
This rule has been redrafted to conform to the general restyling of the federal rules in 2002. It differs from the federal rule in several respects.
Consistent with the former rule, paragraphs (c) and (f) of the federal rule have been omitted. Paragraph (c) of the federal rule (Motion Deadline) is unnecessary because the time for filing motions is governed by Rule 47. Paragraph (f) (Recording the Proceedings) is unnecessary in light of Superior Court Rule 36 -I, which requires the recording of all proceedings.
Consistent with the organization of the federal rules, paragraphs (c) and (e) of this rule have been incorporated from former Superior Court Rule 47 -I (g) and (h).
Paragraph (c) now includes the federal rule's requirement that the court state its essential factual findings on the record when deciding a motion.
Paragraph (e) has been modified to refer to local rather than federal law.
Paragraph (f) retains a difference between the federal and local rule with respect to producing statements of law enforcement officers called by the defendant.