D.C. R. Prof'l. Cond. 4.2

As amended through October 11, 2024
(a)durIng the course of representIng a clIent, a lawyer shall not coMMunIcate or cause another to coMMunIcate about the subject of the representatIon wIth a person known to be represented by another lawyer In the Matter, unless the lawyer has the prIor consent of the lawyer representIng such other person or Is authorIzed by law or a court order to do so.
(b)durIng the course of representIng a clIent, a lawyer May coMMunIcate about the subject of the representatIon wIth a nonparty eMployee of an organIzatIon wIthout obtaInIng the consent of that organIzatIon's lawyer. If the organIzatIon Is an adverse party, however, prIor to coMMunIcatIng wIth any such nonparty eMployee, a lawyer Must dIsclose to such eMployee both the lawyer's IdentIty and the fact that the lawyer represents a party that Is adverse to the eMployee's eMployer.
(c)for purposes of thIs rule, the terM "party" or "person" Includes any person or organIzatIon, IncludIng an eMployee of an organIzatIon, who has the authorIty to bInd an organIzatIon as to the representatIon to whIch the coMMunIcatIon relates.
(d)thIs rule does not prohIbIt coMMunIcatIon by a lawyer wIth governMent offIcIals who have the authorIty to redress the grIevances of the lawyer' s clIent, whether or not those grIevances or the lawyer's coMMunIcatIons relate to Matters that are the subject of the representatIon, provIded that In the event of such coMMunIcatIons the dIsclosures specIfIed In (b) are Made to the governMent offIcIal to whoM the coMMunIcatIon Is Made.

D.C. R. Prof'l. Cond. 4.2


[1] This rule covers any person, whether or not a party to a formal proceeding, who is represented by counsel concerning the matter in question.

[2] This rule does not prohibit communication with a person or party, or an employee or agent of an organization, concerning matters outside the representation. For example, the existence of a controversy between two organizations does not prohibit a lawyer for either from communicating with representatives of the other regarding a separate matter. Also, parties to a matter may communicate directly with each other and a lawyer having independent justification for communicating with the other party is permitted to do so. In addition, a lawyer is not prohibited from advising a client concerning a communication that the client is legally entitled to make, provided that the client communication is not solely for the purpose of evading restrictions imposed on the lawyer by this rule.

[3] In the case of an organization, and other than as noted in Comment [5], this rule prohibits communication by a lawyer for one party concerning the matter in representation with persons having the power to bind the organization as to the particular representation to which the communication relates. If an agent or employee of the organization with authority to make binding decisions regarding the representation is represented in the matter by separate counsel, the consent by that agent' s or employee's counsel to a communication will be sufficient for purposes of this rule.

[4] The rule does not prohibit a lawyer from communicating with employees of an organization who have the authority to bind the organization with respect to the matters underlying the representation if they do not also have authority to make binding decisions regarding the representation itself. A lawyer may therefore communicate with such persons without first notifying the organization's lawyer. See D.C. Bar Legal Ethics Committee Opinion No. 129. But before communicating with such a "nonparty employee," the lawyer must disclose to the employee the lawyer's identity and the fact that the lawyer represents a party with a claim against the employer. It is preferable that this disclosure be made in writing. The notification requirements of Rule 4.2(b) apply to contacts with government employees who do not have the authority to make binding decisions regarding the representation.

[5] Because this rule is primarily focused on protecting represented persons unschooled in the law from direct communications from counsel for an adverse person, consent of the organization's lawyer is not required where a lawyer seeks to communicate with in-house counsel of an organization. If individual in-house counsel is represented separately from the organization, however, consent of that individual's personal counsel is required before communicating with that individual in-house counsel.

[6] Consent of the organization's lawyer is not required where a lawyer seeks to communicate with a former constituent of an organization. In making such contact, however, the lawyer may not seek to obtain information that is otherwise protected.

[7] This rule also does not preclude communication with a represented person who is seeking advice from a lawyer who is not otherwise representing a client in the matter.

[8] This rule applies even though the represented person initiates or consents to the communication. A lawyer must immediately terminate communication with a person if, after commencing communication, the lawyer learns that the person is one with whom communication is not permitted by this rule.

[9] This rule does not apply to the situation in which a lawyer contacts employees of an organization for the purpose of obtaining information generally available to the public, or obtainable under the Freedom of Information Act, even if the information in question is related to the representation. For example, a lawyer for a plaintiff who has filed suit against an organization represented by a lawyer may telephone the organization to request a copy of a press release regarding the representation, without disclosing the lawyer's identity, obtaining the consent of the organization's lawyer, or otherwise acting as paragraphs (a) and (b) of this rule require.

[10] Paragraph (d) recognizes that special considerations come into play when a lawyer is seeking to redress grievances involving the government. It permits communications with those in government having the authority to redress such grievances (but not with any other government personnel) without the prior consent of the lawyer representing the government in such cases. However, a lawyer making such a communication without the prior consent of the lawyer representing the government must make the kinds of disclosures that are required by paragraph (b) in the case of communications with non-party employees.

[11] Paragraph (d) does not permit a lawyer to bypass counsel representing the government on every issue that may arise in the course of disputes with the government. It is intended to provide

[2] The rule distinguishes between situations involving unrepresented third parties whose interests may be adverse to those of the lawyer's client and those in which the third party's interests are not in conflict with the client's. In the former situation, the possibility of the lawyer's compromising the unrepresented person's interests is so great that the rule prohibits the giving of any advice, apart from the advice that the unrepresented person obtain counsel. A lawyer is free to give advice to unrepresented persons whose interests are not in conflict with those of the lawyer's client, but only if it is made clear that the lawyer is acting in the interests of the client. Thus the lawyer should not represent to such persons, either expressly or implicitly, that the lawyer is disinterested. Furthermore, if it becomes apparent that the unrepresented person misunderstands the lawyer's role in the matter, the lawyer must take whatever reasonable, affirmative steps are necessary to correct the misunderstanding.

[3] This rule does not prohibit a lawyer from negotiating the terms of a transaction or settling a dispute with an unrepresented person. So long as the lawyer has explained that the lawyer represents an adverse party and is not representing the person, the lawyer may inform the person of the terms on which the lawyer's client will enter into an agreement or settle a matter, prepare documents that require the person's signature and explain the lawyer's own view of the meaning of the document or the lawyer's view of the underlying legal obligations.

[4] This rule is not intended to restrict in any way law enforcement efforts by government lawyers that are consistent with constitutional requirements and applicable federal law.
