As amended through November 14, 2024
Rule 91 - Court administration(a) Clerk of the Supreme Court and office of the Clerk of the Supreme Court. - (i) Clerk. -Pursuant to Article IV, § 27 of the Delaware Constitution of 1897, the Court shall appoint a Clerk of the Supreme Court who shall serve at the pleasure of the Court.(ii) Office. -The Clerk's office shall be maintained in Dover.(iii) Records. -The Clerk shall have custody of the records and papers of this Court. The Clerk shall not permit any original record or paper of this Court or any trial court to be taken from the Clerk's custody except at the direction of the Court.(iv) Numbering of cases. -Upon the docketing of any case in this Court, the Clerk shall assign a case number to it. The first case docketed in any calendar year shall be identified by the year and designated "No. 1."? Subsequent cases shall be numbered chronologically thereafter.(v) Numbering of papers. -The Clerk shall file all papers in each case and shall give each paper a docket entry number which shall be maintained on a chronological basis.(vi) Docket. -The Clerk shall keep a docket in which the Clerk shall record, under the caption and case number of each case, the filing of each paper, its docket entry number, and the date of such filing.(vii) Notice to Justice. -Upon the docketing of each case, the Clerk shall send to each Justice an exact copy of the caption thereof.(viii) Authority of the Assistant Clerk. -In the event of the Clerk's absence from the office, the Assistant Clerk shall have the authority to exercise all powers of the Clerk.(ix) Authority of the senior court clerks, court clerks and court staff. -Senior court clerks, court clerks and court staff shall have the authority to receive papers as deputy clerks. Papers required to be filed with the Clerk of the Court may be filed with any senior court clerk, court clerk or court staff in any county.(b) Staff Attorneys. -The Staff Attorneys assist the Court in discharging its constitutional responsibilities as the Court designates orally or in writing from time to time, including the following:(i) Preliminary review of the jurisdictional basis for all appeals.(ii) Review of all filings for compliance with Court rules.(iii) Coordinate requests for extensions of time by parties or court reporters.(iv) Review of all pro se filings and circulation of filings to the Justices with a written cover memorandum.(v) Assisting the Clerk of the Court in the scheduling of cases and the securing of supplemental filings.(vi) Undertake independent research as requested.(vii) Assist the Motion Justice each month as requested.(viii) Perform such other legal duties as assigned.