Section 4.1 Parties(a) Except as otherwise permitted by the court, only a party may participate in a proceeding before the court.(b) Special notice under C.G.S. section 45a-127 or listing a person on an order of notice does not make the person a party. (Probate Court Rules, section 1.1(27) and rule 16.)
Section 4.2 Fiduciary as party(a) An executor or administrator of a decedent's estate is a party: (1) in the estate proceeding in which the executor or administrator was appointed; and(2) in any other probate proceeding in which the estate has an interest.(b) A trustee of a trust is a party: (1) in the trust proceeding in which the trustee was appointed or, if the trustee was not appointed by the court, in a trust proceeding concerning the trust for which the trustee acts; and(2) in any other probate proceeding in which the trust has an interest.(c) A conservator is a party: (1) in the conservatorship proceeding in which the conservator was appointed; and(2) in any other probate proceeding in which the person under conservatorship has an interest if the subject of the proceeding is within the scope of the conservator's authority.(d) A guardian of the estate of a minor is a party:(1) in the guardianship proceeding in which the guardian was appointed; and(2) in any other probate proceeding that affects the estate of the minor.(e) A temporary custodian or guardian of the person of a minor is a party:(1) in the guardianship proceeding in which the custodian or guardian was appointed; and(2) in any other probate proceeding in which the minor has an interest if the subject of the proceeding is within the scope of the authority of the custodian or guardian.(f) A guardian of an adult with intellectual disability is a party:(1) in the guardianship proceeding in which the guardian was appointed; and(2) in any other probate proceeding in which the protected person has an interest if the subject of the proceeding is within the scope of the guardian's authority.(g) A guardian ad litem is a party: (1) in the proceeding in which the guardian ad litem was appointed; and(2) in any other probate proceeding in which the individual for whom the guardian ad litem acts has an interest if the subject of the proceeding is within the scope of the guardian ad litem's appointment.(h) The court shall recognize any other fiduciary as a party:(1) in a probate proceeding in which the court has jurisdiction to review and supervise the actions of the fiduciary; and(2) in any other probate proceeding if the court determines that the subject of the proceeding is within the scope of the fiduciary's duties and participation of the fiduciary is necessary to protect the interests of the individual for whom the fiduciary acts. (C.G.S. sections 45a-499c and 45a-499q through 45a-499t.)
Rule 4 adopted effective 7/1/2013. Section 4.2 amended effective 1/1/2020; Section 4.1 amended effective July 1, 2022.