Local. R. Jud. Dist. Colo. 5

As amended through Rule Change 2024(21), effective December 19, 2024

The original assignment of cases shall be made by random lot at the time of filing in a manner prescribed by the Chief Judge. Adjustments in the number of cases assigned to the Chief Judge and the judge assigned to Gilpin County shall be made as determined by the judges en banc. Additional adjustments shall be made for disqualification of a judge or reassignment of cases.

The assignment of cases and duties of magistrates shall be in a manner set forth by the Chief Judge.

Each week a judge and a magistrate shall be designated by the Chief Judge as the duty judge and duty magistrate.

The duty judge and duty magistrate shall handle such matters as designated by the Chief Judge.

Cases may be transferred between county judges and district judges as the need of court business requires in a manner prescribed by the Chief Judge.

Local. R. Jud. Dist. Colo. 5

Adopted en banc 9/2/2003; Approved by the Colorado Supreme Court Pursuant to C.R.C.P. § 121(b), 11/18/2004, effective 1/1/2005.