As amended through Rule Change 2024(21), effective December 19, 2024
Rule 37 - Recommendation and Notice(a) Filing the Record of Proceedings and Recommendation. Upon the Commission's consideration of the report of the special masters, the executive director shall file, with the clerk of the Supreme Court, the record of the proceedings and the Commission's recommendation to the Court for dismissal, sanctions, a private disposition, or a stipulated resolution.(b) Dismissal. If the Commission recommends dismissal, the dismissal and the record of proceedings shall remain confidential, unless the Supreme Court orders public disclosure under Rule 6.5(g).(c) Sanctions. The Commission may recommend one or more of the sanctions provided in Rule 36. The Commission's recommendation for sanctions and the record of proceedings shall become public upon filing the recommendation with the Supreme Court, and the clerk shall docket the recommendation for the Court's expedited consideration. The executive director shall promptly serve a copy of the recommendation and notice of the date of its filing on the Judge (or the Judge's counsel) and on special counsel. The executive director shall file proof of service of the recommendation and the notice with the clerk. Exceptions to the recommendation may be filed under Rule 38.(d) Private Disposition. As an alternative to sanctions, the Commission may recommend a private disposition under Rule 35. The executive director shall notify the Judge (or the Judge's counsel), special counsel, and the Supreme Court of the Commission's recommendation. Exceptions to the recommendation may be filed under Rule 38. The recommendation, exceptions, and any disposition resulting therefore shall remain confidential, subject to the provisions of Rule 6.5(g). If the Court does not approve the disposition, the case shall be remanded to the Commission and the record shall remain sealed pending the Commission's further action.(e) Stipulated Resolution of Formal Proceedings. Special counsel and the Judge may propose that the Commission adopt a stipulated resolution of formal proceedings, which shall include summaries of the principal allegations, the Judge's response, and material facts that are agreed or remain disputed; relevant Canons, Canon Rules, or provisions of Colo. RJD; recommendations for dismissal or sanctions; and an acknowledgement that the stipulated resolution and the record of proceedings will become public. If the Commission finds that the terms of the stipulated resolution comply with these requirements, it shall file the stipulated resolution with the Supreme Court as its recommendation under this Rule. The recommendation, the stipulated resolution, the record of proceedings, and any sanctions proposed in the stipulated resolution shall become public upon the Commission's filing of the recommendation with the Court. However, if it provides for dismissal, the stipulated resolution and the record of proceedings shall be confidential pending the Court's consideration, and if approved by the Court, the stipulated resolution and the record of proceedings shall remain confidential, subject to the provisions of Rule 6.5(g). Amended and Adopted by the Court, En Banc, April 20, 2017, effective 7/1/2017.