As amended through Rule Change 2024(21), effective December 19, 2024
Rule 208.4 - Inquiry Panel Review(1) Review by Separate Inquiry Panels. The chair of the Character and Fitness Committee shall assign at least three members of the Character and Fitness Committee to one or more inquiry panels.(2) Assignment of Inquiry Panel. If, after investigation conducted pursuant to these rules, the Office of Attorney Admissions recommends that an inquiry panel be assigned to determine whether the applicant has met his or her burden of establishing that the applicant possesses the character and fitness necessary for admission to the practice of law in Colorado, the chair of the Character and Fitness Committee shall assign an inquiry panel and designate one of the inquiry panel members as panel chair. In the discharge of an inquiry panel's duties, the panel chair may enlist the assistance of other persons approved by the Supreme Court, including alternative mental health professionals in the event a mental health professional committee member is unavailable for a particular inquiry panel. A quorum necessary for the panel to conduct business is three persons.(3) Notice of Inquiry Panel Interview. The Office of Attorney Admissions shall notify the applicant in writing of the character and fitness matters in question and invite the applicant to appear for an interview with the inquiry panel. The notice shall advise the applicant that he or she may appear with counsel, and it shall be sent to the applicant at least fourteen days before the interview is scheduled. Notice is sufficient if sent to the most recent address on file with the Office of Attorney Admissions at the time of the notice.(4) Failure to Appear. An applicant's failure to appear for an interview may be grounds to recommend denial of the application.(5) Formal Rules of Evidence Do Not Apply. The inquiry panel is not bound by formal rules of evidence during the interview and may consider all documents, verified written statements or other matters brought to its attention.(6) Determination by Inquiry Panel. The inquiry panel shall make a finding whether the applicant has established that he or she possesses the character and fitness necessary to practice law in Colorado. The applicant may be admitted, admitted with conditions, denied admission, or the inquiry panel may in its discretion postpone a determination to allow the applicant an opportunity to submit further documentation or undergo an independent medical examination. Such postponement does not toll the expiration of the bar exam scores pursuant to C.R.C.P. 211.3(2).Source: Entire rule added and effective September 1, 2014.