Rule 3.52 - Procedure for determining applicationThe procedure for determining an application is as follows:
(1) The court must consider and determine the application as required by Government Code sections 68634 and 68635(2) An order determining an application for an initial fee waiver without a hearing must be made on Order on Court Fee Waiver (Superior Court) (form FW-003) or, if the application is made for the benefit of a (proposed) ward or conservatee, on Order on Court Fee Waiver (Superior Court) (Ward or Conservatee) (form FW-003-GC), except as provided in (6) below.(3) An order determining an application for an initial fee waiver after a hearing in the trial court must be made on Order on Court Fee Waiver After Hearing (Superior Court) (form FW-008) or, if the application is made for the benefit of a (proposed) ward or conservatee, on Order on Court Fee Waiver After Hearing (Superior Court) (Ward or Conservatee) (form FW-008-GC). (4) Any order granting a fee waiver must be accompanied by a blank Notice of Improved Financial Situation or Settlement (form FW-010) or, if the application is made for the benefit of a (proposed) ward or conservatee, a Notice to Court of Improved Financial Situation or Settlement (Ward or Conservatee) (form FW-010(GC). (5) Any order denying an application without a hearing on the ground that the information on the application conclusively establishes that the applicant is not eligible for a waiver must be accompanied by a blank Request for Hearing About Fee Waiver Order (Superior Court) (form FW-006) or, if the application is made for the benefit of a (proposed) ward or conservatee, a Request for Hearing About Court Fee Waiver Order (Superior Court) (Ward or Conservatee) (form FW-006-GC). (6) Until January 1, 2016, a court with a computerized case management system may produce electronically generated court fee waiver orders as long as: (A) The document is substantively identical to the mandatory Judicial Council form it is replacing; (B) Any electronically generated form is identical in both language and legally mandated elements, including all notices and advisements, to the mandatory Judicial Council form it is replacing; and(C) The order is an otherwise legally sufficient court order, as provided in rule 1.31(g), concerning orders not on Judicial Council mandatory forms.Rule 3.52 amended effective 9/1/2015; adopted as rule 3.56 effective 1/1/2007; previously amended and renumbered as rule 3.52 effective 7/1/2009; previously amended effective 1/1/2007 and7/1/2015.