Cal. R. 3.1540
This rule applies to all civil jury trials.
In examining prospective jurors in civil cases, the judge should consider the policies and recommendations in Standard 3.25 of the Standards of Judicial Administration.
(Subd (b) amended effective January 1, 2013; adopted as part of untitled subd effective January 1, 1949; previously amended and lettered as subd (b) effective January 1, 2007.)
On completion of the initial examination, the trial judge must permit counsel for each party that so requests to submit additional questions that the judge will put to the jurors.
(Subd (c) amended effective January 1, 2013; adopted as part of untitled subd effective January 1, 1949; previously amended and lettered as subd (c) effective January 1, 2007.)
Cal. R. Ct. 3.1540