Cal. R. 2.210
Whenever a clerk's office filing counter is closed at any time between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on a court day, the court must provide a drop box for depositing documents to be filed with the clerk. A court may provide a drop box during other times.
Any document deposited in a court's drop box up to and including 4:00 p.m. on a court day is deemed to have been deposited for filing on that day. A court may provide for same-day filing of a document deposited in its drop box after 4:00 p.m. on a court day. If so, the court must give notice of the deadline for same-day filing of a document deposited in its drop box.
Any document deposited in a court's drop box is deemed to have been deposited for filing on the next court day if:
A court must have a means of determining whether a document was deposited in the drop box by 4:00 p.m., or after the deadline for same-day filing if a court provides for a later time, on a court day.
Cal. R. Ct. 2.210
Advisory Committee Comment
The notice required by (b) may be provided by the same means a court provides notice of its clerk's office hours. The means of providing notice may include the following: information on the court's Web site, a local rule provision, a notice in a legal newspaper, a sign in the clerk's office, or a sign near the drop box.