As used in these standards:
(a) Arbitrator and neutral arbitrator(1) "Arbitrator" and "neutral arbitrator" mean any arbitrator who is subject to these standards and who is to serve impartially, whether selected or appointed: (A) Jointly by the parties or by the arbitrators selected by the parties;(B) By the court, when the parties or the arbitrators selected by the parties fail to select an arbitrator who was to be selected jointly by them; or(C) By a dispute resolution provider organization, under an agreement of the parties.(2) Where the context includes events or acts occurring before an appointment is final, "arbitrator" and "neutral arbitrator" include a person who has been served with notice of a proposed nomination or appointment. For purposes of these standards, "proposed nomination" does not include nomination of persons by a court under Code of Civil Procedure section 1281.6 to be considered for possible selection as an arbitrator by the parties or appointment as an arbitrator by the court.(Subd (a) amended effective July 1, 2014.)
(b) "Applicable law" means constitutional provisions, statutes, decisional law, California Rules of Court, and other statewide rules or regulations that apply to arbitrators who are subject to these standards.(c) "Conclusion of the arbitration" means the following:(1) When the arbitrator is disqualified or withdraws or the case is settled or dismissed before the arbitrator makes an award, the date on which the arbitrator's appointment is terminated;(2) When the arbitrator makes an award and no party makes a timely application to the arbitrator to correct the award, the final date for making an application to the arbitrator for correction; or(3) When a party makes a timely application to the arbitrator to correct the award, the date on which the arbitrator serves a corrected award or a denial on each party, or the date on which denial occurs by operation of law.(d) "Consumer arbitration" means an arbitration conducted under a predispute arbitration provision contained in a contract that meets the criteria listed in paragraphs (1) through (3) below. "Consumer arbitration" excludes arbitration proceedings conducted under or arising out of public or private sector labor-relations laws, regulations, charter provisions, ordinances, statutes, or agreements. (1) The contract is with a consumer party, as defined in these standards;(2) The contract was drafted by or on behalf of the nonconsumer party; and(3) The consumer party was required to accept the arbitration provision in the contract.(e) "Consumer party" is a party to an arbitration agreement who, in the context of that arbitration agreement, is any of the following: (1) An individual who seeks or acquires, including by lease, any goods or services primarily for personal, family, or household purposes including, but not limited to, financial services, insurance, and other goods and services as defined in section 1761 of the Civil Code;(2) An individual who is an enrollee, a subscriber, or insured in a health-care service plan within the meaning of section 1345 of the Health and Safety Code or health-care insurance plan within the meaning of section 106 of the Insurance Code;(3) An individual with a medical malpractice claim that is subject to the arbitration agreement; or(4) An employee or an applicant for employment in a dispute arising out of or relating to the employee's employment or the applicant's prospective employment that is subject to the arbitration agreement.(f) "Dispute resolution neutral" means a temporary judge appointed under article VI, section 21 of the California Constitution, a referee appointed under Code of Civil Procedure section 638 or 639, an arbitrator, a neutral evaluator, a special master, a mediator, a settlement officer, or a settlement facilitator.(g) "Dispute resolution provider organization" and "provider organization" mean any nongovernmental entity that, or individual who, coordinates, administers, or provides the services of two or more dispute resolution neutrals.(h) "Domestic partner" means a domestic partner as defined in Family Code section 297.(i) "Financial interest" means a financial interest within the meaning of Code of Civil Procedure section 170.5.(j) "Gift" means a gift as defined in Code of Civil Procedure section 170.9(1).(k) "Honoraria" means honoraria as defined in Code of Civil Procedure section 170.9(h) and (i).(l) "Lawyer in the arbitration" means the lawyer hired to represent a party in the arbitration.(m) "Lawyer for a party" means the lawyer hired to represent a party in the arbitration and any lawyer or law firm currently associated in the practice of law with the lawyer hired to represent a party in the arbitration.(n) "Member of the arbitrator's immediate family" means the arbitrator's spouse or domestic partner and any minor child living in the arbitrator's household.(o)"Member of the arbitrator's extended family" means the parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, siblings, uncles, aunts, nephews, and nieces of the arbitrator or the arbitrator's spouse or domestic partner or the spouse or domestic partner of such person. (Subd (o) amended effective July 1, 2014.)
(p) Party(1) "Party" means a party to the arbitration agreement:(A) Who seeks to arbitrate a controversy pursuant to the agreement;(B) Against whom such arbitration is sought; or(C) Who is made a party to such arbitration by order of a court or the arbitrator upon such party's application, upon the application of any other party to the arbitration, or upon the arbitrator's own determination.(2) "Party" includes the representative of a party, unless the context requires a different meaning.(q) "Party-arbitrator" means an arbitrator selected unilaterally by a party.(r) "Private practice of law" means private practice of law as defined in Code of Civil Procedure section 170.5.(s) "Significant personal relationship" includes a close personal friendship.Amended effective July 1, 2014 7/1/2014 .Comment to Standard 2
Subdivision (a). The definition of "arbitrator" and "neutral arbitrator" in this standard is intended to include all arbitrators who are to serve in a neutral and impartial manner and to exclude unilaterally selected arbitrators.
Subdivisions (l) and (m). Arbitrators should take special care to note that there are two different terms used in these standards to refer to lawyers who represent parties in the arbitration. In particular, arbitrators should note that the term "lawyer for a party" includes any lawyer or law firm currently associated in the practice of law with the lawyer hired to represent a party in the arbitration.
Subdivision (p)(2). While this provision generally permits an arbitrator to provide required information or notices to a party's attorney as that party's representative, a party's attorney should not be treated as a "party" for purposes of identifying matters that an arbitrator must disclose under standards 7 or 8, as those standards contain separate, specific requirements concerning the disclosure of relationships with a party's attorney.
Other terms that may be pertinent to these standards are defined in Code of Civil Procedure section 1280.