Ark. R. Crim. P. 24.3
[For use with Rule 24.3(b), Arkansas Rules of Criminal Procedure]
________ Division
No. ________
____________________ , Defendant
I, ___________________ (name of defendant), with the approval of the court, and the consent of the Prosecuting Attorney am entering a plea of [guilty] [no contest] to
Count 1. _______________________________________________________________
Count 2. _______________________________________________________________
Count 3. _______________________________________________________________
I understand my plea is conditioned upon the filing of an appeal on the issue of ___________________________________ (describe [motion to suppress seized evidence][motion to suppress custodial statement] [motion to dismiss a charge because not brought to trial within the time provided in Rule 28.1(b) or (c) ] or [challenge to the constitutionality of Ark. Code Ann. § ______ ] upon which appeal is based).
I understand that if the judge approves my plea of [guilty] [no contest], a judgment and sentence will be entered and that I may appeal on the issue specified above in the manner provided by the rules of court.
I understand that if I win my appeal on the issue specified above that I may withdraw my plea of [guilty] [no contest].
I have read and understand the above. I have discussed the case and my constitutional rights with my lawyer. I understand that by pleading [guilty] [no contest], if my plea is not later withdrawn, I will be giving up my right to a trial by jury, to confront, cross-examine, and compel the attendance of witnesses, and my privilege against self-incrimination. I agree to enter my plea as indicated above on the terms and conditions set forth herein.
_______________ _______________________________
Date Defendant
I have reviewed this conditional plea with my client, and I have discussed with my client its consequences.
____________________________ _______________________
Defense Counsel Date
I have reviewed this conditional plea and consent to it.
____________________________ ________________________
Prosecutor Date
This Conditional Plea Agreement is approved, and I direct that it be entered of record in this case.
Circuit Judge
This Conditional Plea Form shall accompany the Sentencing Order and be made a part of the record in the case.
I certify this is a true and correct record of this Court.
Date: ________________ Circuit Clerk/Deputy: ____________________________
Ark. R. Crim. P. 24.3
Addition to Reporter's Notes, 2001 Amendment: The last sentence was added to subdivision (d). It does not change prior practice, but incorporates the requirement found in Rule 31.1 that the prosecuting attorney must not only be given the opportunity to be heard in response to a plea, but also he must assent if a jury trial is to be waived.
Reporter's Note, 2003 Amendment: Subsection (b) was amended to clarify that a defendant may reserve the right to appeal following an adverse determination on a motion to suppress a custodial statement as well as a motion to suppress seized evidence.
Reporter's Notes, 2012 Amendment: Prior to the 2012 amendments, subsection (a) allowed the court to take a guilty plea to a misdemeanor not involving imprisonment even though the defendant was not present in the courtroom. The 2012 amendment made it clear that the court could also accept a plea of nolo contendere in such circumstances. A plea of guilty or nolo contendere when the defendant is absent is still subject to the requirements of subsections (c) and (d).
The 2012 amendment also broadened conditional pleas to include subsection (b)(iii).