Rule 17 - Informal Sanctions(a) Reprimand. The commission may reprimand a judge without a formal hearing for conduct that is unacceptable under one of the grounds for judicial discipline but that is not so serious as to warrant formal proceedings or further discipline by the supreme court.(b) Other informal sanctions. The commission may take any other informal action consistent with these rules, including, but not limited to, directing a judge to participate in professional counseling, judicial education, mentoring or similar activities, and assessing attorney fees and costs.Ariz. R. Comm. Jud. Cond. 17
Added by Order dated Oct. 11, 2001, effective 1/1/2002. Amended6/8/2004, effective 12/1/2004;6/15/2004, nunc pro tunc6/8/2004;6/9/2005, effective 1/1/2006; amended and effective 2/19/2010.EFFECT
<The order dated June 9, 2005, effective Jan. 1, 2006, stated, "These changes shall be effective as to cases in which the complaint is filed on or after January 1, 2006.">