(a) Generally. The forms identified in section (b) are recommended and meet the requirements of these rules.(b) List of Recommended Forms.(1) Form 1: Notice to Parent: Dependency Action(2) Form 2: Note to Parent: In-home Dependency Action(3) Form 3: Notice to Parent: Guardianship Action(4) Form 4: Notice to Parent: Termination Action(5) Form 5a: Notice of Appeal: Delinquencies(6) Form 5b: Notice of Appeal: General(7) Form 6: Supplemental Designation of the Record(8) Form 7: Confidential Verified Parent Information Form(9) Form 8: Notice of Completed Adoption(c) Omitted Information. A court or a party may omit information in a recommended form if the form provides or requests particular information that does not apply in a specific case. A party who omits content in a recommended form or who fails to complete a portion of a recommended form represents to the court and to other parties that the information in that portion does not apply.(e) Modification. The Supreme Court by administrative order may substantively change, add, or delete a recommended form. The Administrative Director may approve technical changes to a form that increases the form's usability and understandability, corrects an error, or addresses other technical issues.Adopted Dec. 8, 2021, effective 7/1/2022.