Rule 105 - Form of Filed Documents(a)Filing with the Court Defined. The filing of documents with the court is accomplished by filing them with the clerk. If a judge permits, a party may, in open court, submit a document directly to a judge, who must promptly transmit it to the clerk for filing and notify the clerk of the date of its receipt.(b)Effective Date of Filing.(1) Except for documents submitted directly to a judge under Rule 105(a) and electronically filed documents, a document is deemed filed on the date the clerk receives and accepts it.(2) If a document is submitted directly to a judge under Rule 105(a) and is later transmitted to the clerk for filing, the document is deemed filed on the date the judge receives it.(3) If a document is filed electronically, the effective date of filing is as provided in Arizona Code of Judicial Administration (ACJA) § 1-901.(4) ACJA § 1-901 governs the procedures if a person fails to meet a deadline for filing a document because of a failure in the document's electronic transmission or receipt.(5) If a party is incarcerated and another party contends that the incarcerated party did not timely file a document, the court must treat the document as filed on the date the incarcerated party delivered it to the prison authorities to deposit in the mail.(c) Caption. Documents filed with the court must contain the following information as single-spaced text, typed or printed, on the first page of the document: (1) to the left of the center of the page starting at line 1:(A) the filing attorney's or self-represented person's name, address, telephone number, and email address; and(B) if an attorney, the attorney's State Bar of Arizona identification number, any State Bar of Arizona law firm identification number, and the identification of the party being represented by the attorney;(2) centered on or below line 6 of the page, the title of the court;(3) below the title of the court and to the left of the center of the page, the title of the action or proceeding;(4) opposite the title, in the space to the right of the center of the page, the case number of the action or proceeding;(5) immediately below the case number, a brief description of the nature of the document; and(6) below the document description, the judge to whom the case is assigned (if known).(d) Document Format. Unless the court orders otherwise, all filed documents - other than a document submitted as an exhibit or attachment to a filing - must be prepared as follows:(1)Text and Background. The text of every document must be black on plain white background. All documents filed must be single-sided.(2)Type Size and Font. Notwithstanding any local rule, every typed document must use at least a 13-point type size. The court prefers sans serif fonts such as Arial, Helvetica, Courier, or Calibri. Footnotes must be in at least a 13-point type size and must not appear in the space required for the bottom margin.(3)Page Size. Each page of a document must be 8 1/2 by 11 inches. (A) Despite this general requirement, exhibits, attachments to documents, or documents from jurisdictions other than the State of Arizona and larger than the specified size must be folded to the specified size or folded and fastened to pages of the specified size.(B) Exhibits or attachments to documents smaller than the specified size must be fastened to pages of the specified size.(C) An exhibit, an attachment to a document, or a document from a jurisdiction other than the State of Arizona not in compliance with these provisions may be filed only if it appears that compliance is not reasonably practicable.(4)Margins and Page Numbers. Margins must be set as follows: a margin at the top of the first page and each subsequent page of not less than 11/2 inches; a left-hand margin of not less than 1 inch; a right-hand margin of not less than 1/2 inch; and a margin at the bottom of each page of not less than 1/2 inch. Except for the first page, the bottom margin must include a page number.(5)Handwritten Documents. Handwritten documents are discouraged, but if a document is handwritten, the text must be legible.(6)Line Spacing. Text must be double-spaced and may not exceed 28 lines per page, but headings, quotations, and footnotes may be single-spaced. A single-spaced quotation must be indented on the left and right sides.(7)Headings and Emphasis. Headings must be underlined or be in italics or bold type. Underlining, italics, or bold type also may be used for emphasis.(8)Citations. Case names and citations signals must be in italics or underlined.(9)Originals. Unless filing electronically, parties must file original documents except for attachments.(10)Court Forms. Printed court forms may be single-spaced, but those requiring a judicial officer's signature must provide ample space for the signature. Printed court forms must be single-sided. All printed court forms must be on paper of sufficient quality and weight to assure legibility upon duplication or imaging.(e) Electronically Filed Documents. ACJA § 1-901 governs the form of electronically filed documents, including the format, file type and size, format of exhibits and attachments, use of hyperlinks and bookmarks, and originals.(f) Signature.(1)Generally. Every pleading, written motion, and other document filed with the court or served must be signed by at least one attorney of record in the attorney's name--or by a party personally if the party is unrepresented. The court must strike an unsigned document unless the omission is promptly corrected after being called to the filer's attention.(2)Electronic Filings. ACJA § 1-901 governs how a person may sign a document filed through the person's court-authorized electronic filing service provider account. Electronic filing service provider" has the same meaning as provided in ACJA § 1-901.(3)Filings Made by Multiple Parties. A person filing a document containing more than one place for a signature--such as a stipulation--may sign on behalf of another party only if the person has actual authority to do so. The person may indicate such authority either by attaching a document confirming that authority and containing the signatures of the other persons who have authority to consent for such parties, or, after obtaining a party's consent, by inserting "/s/ [the other party's or person's name] with permission" as any non-filing party's signature.(g) Proposed Orders.(1)Required Format. A proposed order must be prepared as provided in this rule. It must be submitted as a separate document and may not be included as an integral part of a motion, stipulation, or other document. On the signature page, there must be at least two lines of text above the signature.(2)Service and Filing. Any proposed order must be served on all parties at the same time it is submitted to the court. The clerk may not file a proposed order. The clerk must accept electronically submitted proposed orders as provided in ACJA § 1-901; however, these electronically submitted documents must not be included in the publicly displayed court record. A party may file an unsigned proposed order as an attachment or exhibit to a notice of lodging or other filing if directed by the court, required by rule, or done to preserve the record on appeal.(3)Stipulations and Motions; Proposed Forms of Order.(A) All written stipulations must be accompanied by a proposed order. If the proposed order is signed and entered, no minute entry is required.(B) If a motion is accompanied by a proposed order, no minute entry is required if the order is signed and entered.(h) Unsworn Declarations Under Penalty of Perjury. When these rules require or allow a matter to be supported, evidenced, established, or proved by a sworn written declaration, verification, certificate, statement, oath, or affidavit, the same may be unsworn - and have the same force and effect - if it is:(1) signed by the person as true under penalty of perjury;(3) in substantially the following form: "I declare [or certify, verify or state] under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on [date]. [Signature]."(i)Electronic Signatures and Electronic Notarizations. The clerk must accept for filing any document that purports to have a signature, including documents that appear to be electronically signed or electronically notarized in accordance with applicable law. If the authenticity or sufficiency of an electronic signature or electronic notarization is disputed, a judicial officer will make a determination under applicable substantive law.Amended Dec. 8, 2021, effective 7/1/2022; amended Aug. 29, 2022, effective 8/29/2022; amended December 8, 2022, effective 1/1/2023; amended August 24, 2023, effective 1/1/2024; amended August 22, 2024, effective 8/22/2024.