Ariz. R. Fam. Law P. Form 18
Name of Attorney or Party, if self-represented: __________________________
Mailing Address (unless protected): __________________________________
City, State, Zip Code: _____________________________________________
Telephone: ____________________________________________________
State Bar of Arizona No. __________________________________________
Representing: __________________________________________________
ARIZONA SUPERIOR COURT, __________________________ COUNTY
CASE NO. ______________________________
Regarding the Matter of:
The ____ Petitioner ____ Respondent submits this Notice of Issues and states that the following issues are still contested, and the filing party intends to present these issues at the trial scheduled to take place on _____________________ (date) at _________________ (time):
[ ] The annulment of the parties' marriage.
[ ] The dissolution of the parties' [ ] covenant [ ] non-covenant marriage.
[ ] The legal separation of the parties' [ ] covenant [ ] non-covenant marriage.
[ ] The establishment of the [ ] paternity [ ] maternity of the following [ ] minor [ ] adult children: ______________________________________________________
[ ] The [ ] establishment [ ] modification [ ] enforcement of legal decision-making authority and related orders regarding the following minor children: _______________
[ ] The [ ] establishment [ ] modification [ ] enforcement of a parenting time schedule and related orders regarding the following minor children: ______________
[ ] The [ ] establishment [ ] modification [ ] enforcement of child support payments and related orders regarding the following [ ] minor [ ] adult children: _____________
[ ] The [ ] establishment [ ] modification [ ] enforcement of spousal maintenance payments made by the [ ] Petitioner [ ] Respondent to the [ ] Petitioner [ ] Respondent.
[ ] The division of community property and/or debts [ ] and the assignment/confirmation of separate property and/or debts.
[ ] The [ ] modification [ ] enforcement of an order [ ] dividing community property and/or debts [ ] and/or assigning/confirming separate property and debts.
[ ] The allocation of attorney fees and costs.
[ ] The [ ] establishment [ ] modification [ ] enforcement of third-party rights (including but not limited to "grandparents rights") regarding the following minor children: _________________________________________________________
[ ] The registration of foreign orders regarding [ ] legal decision-making and/or parenting time ("custody") [ ] child support [ ] spousal maintenance [ ] other.
[ ] Other relief authorized by statute (specify): __________________________
Dated: _____________________________________
Name: ________________________________________________________
[ ] Counsel for [ ] Petitioner [ ] Respondent
[ ] Self-Represented [ ] Petitioner [ ] Respondent
ORIGINAL of the foregoing filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court
COPIES of the foregoing [ ] mailed [ ] delivered this___________ day of __________ , _______ to:
[ ] The Honorable ________________________ (Assigned Judicial Officer)
[ ] Counsel for [ ] the Petitioner [ ] the Respondent at the following address:_________________________________
[ ] Other (specify): _______________________ at the following address: ___________
Ariz. R. Fam. Law P. Form 18