Rule 18.3 - [Effective 1/1/2025] Jurors' Information(a)Information Provided to the Parties. Before conducting oral voir dire examination, the court must provide each party with a list of the names of the prospective jurors on the panel called for the case. The list must include each prospective juror's zip code, employment status, occupation, employer, residency status, education level, prior jury duty experience, and any prior felony conviction within a specified time established by the jury commissioner or the court.(b)Confidentiality of Eligibility and Biographical Information. The court must obtain and maintain juror information in a manner and form approved by the Supreme Court as set forth in statute, rule, Administrative Code or Administrative order, and this information may be used only for the purpose of jury selection. The court must keep all jurors' dates of birth, email addresses, home and business telephone numbers and addresses confidential, and may not disclose them unless by order of the court for good cause shown.(c)Confidentiality of Case-Specific Written Questionnaires. If the court requires prospective jurors to complete case-specific written questionnaires, any completed case-specific questionnaires must be filed under seal and must be maintained in a manner and form approved by the court as part of the case file. Before conducting oral voir dire, the prospective jurors' responses to the case-specific written questionnaires must be provided to each party by the clerk or court. Any party or counsel receiving a copy of responses to the case-specific written questionnaires must not disclose the information to the public and may disclose the information only to the extent necessary for the proper conduct of the case. When jury selection is completed, counsel for either party may retain copies of case-specific written questionnaires containing work product within their case files. Otherwise, each recipient must destroy or return to the court all copies of the responses to the case-specific written questionnaires.Added August 31, 2017, effective 1/1/2018; amended Dec. 8, 2021, effective 1/1/2022; amended August 29, 2022, effective 8/29/2022; amended August 22, 2024, effective 9/14/2024; amended December 3, 2024, effective 1/1/2025.