A. Hours of Court. Court shall be open at all times except on nonjudicial days. Regular sessions of Court shall be from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and from 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except as otherwise ordered by the Judge presiding.B.Law and Motion Day. Every Monday shall be Law and Motion Day in each division of the Court, except when Monday falls on a nonjudicial day, in which event the following Tuesday shall be Law and Motion Day. The Judge presiding in each division may permit law and motion matters to be heard on other judicial days at the convenience of Court and counsel. C.Oral Argument. All requests for oral argument shall be made in writing by counsel at the time of filing such motion or answering memorandum and opposition memorandum by placing beneath the title of the document the following words: "Oral Argument Requested." When no request for oral argument is made, argument shall not be allowed and the Court shall decide the motion upon the points and authorities cited. Each side shall be allowed ten minutes for oral argument except when additional time is requested at the time of filing and when additional time is allowed by the Court. D.Telephone Conference Call. The Court may, in its discretion, hear oral argument on any motion by telephone conference call. Upon request of any party, such argument may be recorded by a court reporter under such conditions as the Judge shall deem practicable. E.Law and Motion Calendar. Every Thursday the Judicial Administrator shall prepare a Law and Motion calendar for each division for the next Law and Motion day. The Law and Motion calendar for each division shall be posted in the Clerk's office and in each respective division on or before the Thursday preceding Law and Motion day. All Law and Motion matters shall be heard as set forth on the Law and Motion calendar except as changed by the Judge presiding. F.Notation of Orders. The Clerk of the Court shall make a copy of every minute entry and order and such copy shall be placed in the individual case file.