L. R. Prac. Sup. Ct. 9.4

As amended through December 3, 2024
Rule 9.4 - Record on Appeal
a. All cases shall be submitted for determination based upon a verbatim record of proceedings, and those written matters consisting of the pleadings and papers designated, or required by rule to be included within the record on appeal from the limited jurisdiction court, administrative agency or administrative law judge. The parties may stipulate to a determination upon less than a complete record.
b. The verbatim record in limited jurisdiction courts may consist of audio, video, digital, transcription, or other method of recording as approved by the Supreme Court. Verbatim records of ninety (90) minutes or more in total length or duration must be transcribed into a written format.

L. R. Prac. Sup. Ct. 9.4

Added and effective 10/16/2003. Amended June 12, 2013, effective 7/1/2013.


Former rule 9.4, Record on appeal, was formerly Rule 8.4, was amended April 14, 1982, effective May 1, 1982; June 19, 1984, effective July 2, 1984, was renumbered as Rule 9.4 June 27, 1989, and was abrogated Oct. 16, 2003.