(a)Oral Argument; Requests for Oral Argument. Unless otherwise ordered by the court, oral argument will be held only as provided in this subsection. (1) In expedited election appeals under Rule 216.5, oral argument will automatically be held unless it is affirmatively waived under Rule 216.5(g).(2) In all other appeals governed by Part Two of these rules, oral argument will be held if it is timely requested. A request for oral argument is timely if it is made not later than 10 days after the due date of the reply brief or, if no reply brief is allowed, not later than 10 days after the due date of the appellee's brief.(3) In all petitions or applications for discretionary review governed by Parts Three and Four of these rules, the parties have no right to oral argument unless the appellate court grants review and orders further briefing. If review is granted and further briefing is ordered, oral argument will be held if a party timely requests it. A request for oral argument is timely if it is made not later than 10 days after the due date of the reply brief or, if no reply brief is allowed, not later than 10 days after the due date of the respondent's brief.(4) When the parties have a right to oral argument, a timely request for oral argument by any party will give all parties the right to orally argue the case, except for appellees who fail to file a brief, as provided in Rule 212(c)(10).(b)Scheduling. The clerk shall prepare the calendars of cases for oral argument, under the direction of the courts. The clerk shall give written notice to counsel of record of the time and place at which argument is scheduled.(c) Postponement. Once a case has been placed on the calendar for oral argument, argument will not be postponed except upon filing of a motion accompanied by an affidavit of counsel or the party or both showing good cause for postponement. Notwithstanding Rule 503(e), such a motion shall not be ruled upon by the clerk.(d) Limitation of Counsel. Unless otherwise ordered by the court, no more than two counsel will be heard for each party on the argument of the case.(e) Length of Arguments. The length of oral argument shall be prescribed by the clerk at the direction of the court.(f)Opening and Conclusion. The appellant, petitioner, or applicant shall be entitled to make opening and rebuttal arguments. When there is a cross-appeal, the appeal and cross-appeal shall be argued together, and the order of oral argument shall be determined by the court at the request of either party or upon its own motion. No surrebuttal argument will be allowed unless the court directs otherwise.(g) Expedited Appeals; Preference. If a party requests oral argument in an expedited appeal or in a case that is entitled to preference by law, court rule, or order, the court may, upon motion of a party or on its own initiative, schedule oral argument on an expedited basis, and the argument may be held telephonically as necessary to ensure the participation of all parties.SCO 439 effective 11/15/1980; amended by SCO 582 effective 2/1/1984; by SCO 1433 effective 10/15/2001; by SCO 1598 effective 10/15/2006; and by SCO 1638 effective 10/15/2007; by Supreme Court Order No. 1893, effective 8/10/2016.