Rule 6 - Emergency Custody(a)Emergency Custody Without Court Order. The Department may take emergency custody of a child pursuant to AS 47.10.142 without a court order. If the Department determines that continued custody is necessary to protect the child, the Department shall notify the court of the emergency custody by filing, within 24 hours after custody was assumed, a petition alleging that the child is a child in need of aid. If the Department releases the child within 24 hours after taking the child into custody and does not file a petition, the Department shall, within 24 hours after releasing the child, file with the court a report explaining why the child was taken into custody, why the child was released, and to whom the child was released. (b)Emergency Custody With Court Order.(1)Who May Request. The Department or any other person or agency may petition the court for an order granting emergency custody of the child to the Department. (2)Form, Contents of Motion. The petition must be supported by a statement of facts sufficient to show that the child is a child in need of aid and is in a condition which requires the immediate assumption of custody pursuant to AS 47.10.142. If a child is believed to be an Indian child, the statement of facts must show the tribal affiliation of the child, if known, and must be sufficient to show that removal of the child from the home is necessary to prevent imminent physical damage or harm to the child. The statement of facts must be made under oath, either in a petition, by affidavit, or orally on the record. (3)Order. If the court determines that there is probable cause to believe that the child is a child in need of aid and is in such condition or surroundings that the child's welfare requires the immediate assumption of custody, the court may immediately issue an emergency custody order. In a case involving an Indian child, the court may not order emergency removal unless it finds that removal is necessary to prevent imminent physical damage or harm to the child. The order must be directed to a peace officer or other person specifically designated by the court, and shall require that the child be taken into custody immediately. (4)Notification to Department. If the emergency custody order was not requested by the Department, the court shall, if possible, notify the Department of the motion immediately, and in any event no later than 12 hours after the motion is filed. (5)Service. At the time of executing the order, or as soon thereafter as practicable, the peace officer or other person specifically designated by the court shall serve the child, parents, Indian custodian, guardian, and Department with a copy of the emergency custody order, a summons to the temporary custody hearing if one has been issued, and any available pleadings filed in support of the order. The person charged with service shall prepare and retain a return of service. SCO 845 effective 8/15/1987; amended by SCO 1355 effective 7/15/1999