As amended through December 18, 2024
Article VIII - Association MeetingsSection 1. Annual Business Meeting. The annual business meeting of the Alaska Bar Association shall be held within the State at the time and at the place that is selected by the Board of Governors. Notice of the annual business meeting shall state the time and place scheduled for holding the meeting, and shall be provided to the members of the Alaska Bar Association at least six months before the meeting. Section 2. Emergency Meetings. Emergency meetings of the Alaska Bar Association are defined as those meetings held at times other than the annual business meeting. Emergency meetings shall be called by the President upon a majority vote of the Board of Governors, or upon the receipt of a written application signed by not less than 25 percent of the active members of the Alaska Bar Association. Emergency meetings may consider only those matters that are specifically set forth in the call of the meeting. Notice of an emergency meeting shall be published electronically on the State of Alaska's Online Public Notice system and on the Alaska Bar's website, shall state the time and the place within the State where the meeting will be held, and shall be given as soon as reasonably practicable prior to the date of the emergency meeting. Each notice shall state specifically the matters to be considered at the emergency meeting. Section 3. Parliamentary Rules. Proceedings at any meeting of the Alaska Bar Association shall be governed by the most recent edition of "Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised". Section 4. Resolutions. Resolutions may be introduced for consideration at the annual business meeting if signed by at least 10 active members of the Association, or sponsored by a local bar association or substantive law section. Proposed resolutions shall be received in the office of the Association at least 45 days prior to the date of the annual business meeting and shall, upon receipt, be promptly submitted to each local bar association for its consideration. Resolutions also shall be considered at the annual business meeting if 35 members in attendance at that business meeting sign a petition requesting consideration of the resolution. Section 5. Votes. Each active member in good standing and public member of the Board of Governors in attendance at the annual business meeting shall be entitled to cast one vote on each matter presented for consideration. Proxy votes are not permitted. Alaska Bylaws. Bar. Asso., art. VIII