Rule 58 - Confidential Nature of Proceeding and Records(a) The Committee and the Board, during consideration of an application, may have access to Alaska Bar Association disciplinary files and records, if any, pertaining to the alleged loss notwithstanding the provisions of Rule 22(b), Alaska Bar Rules. Any information or documents obtained by the Board or the Committee from said files or records shall be used solely for the purpose of determining the validity of the application, but otherwise shall constitute confidential information as provided in Rule 22(b). (b) The files and records pertaining to all applications for reimbursement from the Fund and all investigations or proceedings conducted in connection therewith are the property of the Alaska Bar Association and are confidential and no information concerning them and the matters to which they relate shall be given to any persons except upon order of the Board of Governors or as in these rules provided. (c) Unless otherwise ordered by the Board, the proceeding conducted before the Committee and the Board shall not be public. Added by SCO 214 effective 1/1/1976; amended by SCO 722 effective 12/15/1986