Rule 14 - Executive Director of Alaska Bar AssociationThe Executive Director of the Alaska Bar Association (hereinafter "Director"), or an assistant designated by the Director, has the administrative powers and duties to
(1) appoint and supervise an administrative staff for purposes of maintaining documents generated by disciplinary, disability, and reinstatement proceedings; (2) on behalf of Hearing Committees and the Disciplinary Board (A) accept petitions for formal hearing; (B) accept Board and Hearing Committee reports, records, pleadings, and other documents generated in the course of disciplinary, disability, and reinstatement proceedings; and (C) act as clerk in calendaring and scheduling hearing matters; (3) select and assign not less than three members of Area Divisions to serve on Hearing Committees in accordance with Rule 12(e), and to appoint an attorney as chair of the Hearing Committee; (4) replace and assign Hearing Committee members when necessary in accordance with Rule 12(h); (5) as set forth in these Rules, select members from the Area Divisions for purposes of (A) consultation with Bar Counsel; (B) appeals from or review of Bar Counsel determinations; and (C) review of challenges to Hearing Committee members; and (6) perform other duties for and on behalf of the Board as set forth in these Rules or as assigned by the President or the Board. Added by SCO 176 dated February 26, 1974; and amended by SCO 2333 and 4 effective 4/1/1976; by SCO 294 effective 3/1/1978; by SCO 345 § 6 effective 4/1/1979; by SCO 353 effective 4/1/1979; by SCO 404, effective, nunc pro tunc,1/1/1980; by SCO 467 effective 6/1/1981; and rescinded and repromulgated by SCO 614 effective 1/1/1985; amended by SCO 962 effective 7/15/1989