_____ State of Alabama
_____ Municipality of______
TO: The Clerk of the Court of Criminal Appeals of Alabama
On Appeal From The:
_____ Circuit Court of
_____ District Court of
_____ Juvenile Court of
_____ County
Case No. __________________
Date of Notice of Appeal _________________
I certify that I have this date completed and filed with the clerk of the trial court (fn1) the original of a true and correct transcript of the proceedings designated in the reporter's transcript order. All pages are numbered serially, in the upper right corner of each page, prefaced by a copy of the reporter's transcript order (p. no. ___) and an index, and ending with the number appearing in the upper right corner of this certificate.
I certify that a copy of this certificate is this date being served (on counsel for defendant) (defendant, if not represented), the Attorney General of Alabama, and the district attorney if the appeal is from a municipal conviction, along with a copy of the index.
DATED this _____ day of _____, 19__.
Court Reporter
(fn1) The clerk of the trial court is reminded to assemble ther record on appeal in volumes of not more than 200 pages each, and to send certified photocopies of the record on appeal to counsel for defendant and to the Attorney General of Alabama as required by Rule 11(b) or to the municipal prosecutor in lieu of the attorney general if the appeal is from a municippal conviction.
Ala. R. App. P. Form 13