206-39 Wyo. Code R. § 39-8

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 39-8 - Program Approval Procedure and Application

(a) Program Approval Procedure.

  • (i) No high school, private school, community college, board of cooperative services, community education program, home-based educational program, parent based driver education program, or driver education school shall issue a certificate of completion from a driver education program for purposes of W.S. 31-7-108(a) unless the program has first been reviewed by the Wyoming Department of Education and issued a certificate of approval.
  • (ii) A driver education program shall apply for a certificate of approval by submitting, on a form approved by the Wyoming Department of Education, evidence that their instructors, curriculum and program structure meets the requirements of these rules.
  • (iii) An approved driver education program meets all of the requirements of Section 5 Classroom Phase, Section 6 Laboratory Phase, and Section 7 Minimum Hourly Requirements above.
  • (iv) A home based education or parent based driver education program shall meet the minimum hourly requirements as set forth in these rules. A computer based classroom program can be used to meet the classroom time requirements. The required observation time can be met by documenting observation time with a parent or legal guardian.
  • (v) Program approval shall be valid for three (3) years or until the instructor changes or the curriculum substantially changes.
  • (vi) This sub-section shall apply to all classes begun after August 15, 2006.

(b) Certificate of completion requirements.

  • (i) At the successful completion of the classroom and laboratory phase(s) of a driver education program, an approved driver education program may provide a certificate of completion to each student. The certificate shall include the following:
    • (A) name of the high school or program,
    • (B) student name,
    • (C) date of birth,
    • (D) student's driver license number,
    • (E) date the card was issued,
    • (F) original signatures of the teacher and a school administrator (mechanical signatures and/or photo copies are not acceptable),
    • (G) certificate of approval number
  • (ii) The certificate should also have the following sentence on it: "This is to certify that the above named student has successfully completed a driver education program consisting of at least 30 hours of classroom and 6 hours of driving instruction."
  • (iii) The certificate may be a card or a letter.

206-39 Wyo. Code R. § 39-8