206-38 Wyo. Code R. § 38-3

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 38-3 - Eligibility

(a) To be initially eligible for the Hathaway Scholarship as a high school graduate, a student shall meet the requirements stated in W.S. 21-16-1303(b) through (e).

(b) Districts shall submit in a form and manner required by the Department a list of courses aligned with statewide content and performance standards that satisfy the success curriculum requirements as described in Sections 6, 7, and 8 of these rules.

(c) The Department shall approve courses that meet the Hathaway success curriculum requirements including:

  • (i) courses designated by districts as functional equivalents of the success curriculum and satisfy the success curriculum requirements;
  • (ii) college or industry preparatory courses that satisfy success curriculum requirements; or
  • (iii) math and foreign language courses available to students before grade nine (9) and satisfy success curriculum requirements.

(d) All high school courses for which a student earns credit on their official high school transcript shall be included in the High School Hathaway GPA, and the following courses shall be weighted on a five-point (5.0) scale:

  • (i) AP courses approved by the College Board;
  • (ii) IB courses approved by the IB Organization; and,
  • (iii) Dual and/or concurrent courses offered by a post-secondary institution that are 1000-level or higher.

(e) All courses described under subsection (d) of this section shall have a unique designation on a student's high school transcript and the Hathaway-approved course list.

(f) The High School Hathaway GPA must be notated on the student's official high school transcript and labeled as "Hathaway GPA."

(g) Districts shall provide appropriate accommodations, related services, specialized instruction, and supplementary aids and services to students with an individual education program (IEP) or a federal 504 designation pursuant to state and federal law. Courses meeting these requirements that also align to the Wyoming Content Standards at each grade level satisfy the requirements of a modified course within the Hathaway Success Curriculum per W.S. 21-16-1307(f)(hi).

(h) Districts shall ensure that any out-of-state placement of students who reside in their district is accompanied by a placement agreement that assures the out-of-state school district will provide student transcripts as required by W.S. 21-16-1308(a)(ii) and that the out-of-state school or district will cooperate in verifying that its coursework will satisfy the success curriculum requirements established under W.S. W.S. 21-16-1307.

(i) On a case-by-case basis, in the manner and form directed by the Department, the Department may grant exceptions to specific coursework requirements within the success curriculum as allowed by statute and these rules for students attending or graduating from an eligible high school or a home-based educational program.

(j) All Hathaway scholarship recipients shall notify the institution if they are convicted of a felony or a court finds that they have violated the terms or conditions of probation or parole. If the institution is informed pursuant to this subsection, the eligible institution shall suspend the scholarship. The scholarship may be reinstated if the Department grants a request for an exception to W.S. 21-16-1303(d)(vi) as provided in section 18(d) of this chapter.

206-38 Wyo. Code R. § 38-3

Amended, Eff. 8/19/2015.

Amended, Eff. 9/10/2018.