206-32 Wyo. Code R. § 32-4

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 32-4 - Definitions

As referenced in these rules the following definitions shall apply:

(a) "A charter school within a school" means a charter school operating within a facility or portion of a facility currently operated by the district as a public school or operated as an adjunct to a public school or schools with students attending both the charter school and the public school;

(b) "A converted charter school" means a charter school converted from an existing public school operating within the district; '

(c) "Charter school" means a public, non-sectarian, non-religious, non-home-based school which operates in accordance with the provisions of its approved application and contract within a public school district in Wyoming;

(d) "Charter School Board of Directors" means the governing body of a charter school;

(e) "Complete" means the district superintendent has determined a charter school applicant has addressed all areas required in Section 7 in sufficient detail to warrant presentation to the district board for a determination of Final Approval/Denial Status;

(f) "District board" means the board of trustees of a school district elected as the governing body of the school district in the district in which the charter school applicant is applying for operation; this term is used interchangeably with "school district".

(g) "District superintendent" means the superintendent of the district in which the charter school applicant is applying for operation;

(h) "Evaluation Rubric" means the document used by a district board and a district superintendent to evaluate the charter school application which provides a systematic means of measuring the completeness of the application for purposes of conducting the Preliminary Evaluation of Readiness and determining the Final Approval/Denial Status and includes measurable indicators of each of the components of the application as required by Wyoming Statute and Section 7 of these Rules;

(i) "Final Approval/Denial Status" means the decision reached by the district board , after presentation of an application by the charter school applicant that has received a determination that the application is Complete from the district superintendent;

(j) "Incomplete with the option of resubmission" means the district superintendent has determined a charter school application is missing substatitive portions or items as listed in Section 7 of these Rules or the creation of the charter school is prohibited by the law and the application carmot move forward with presentation to the district board for Final Approval/Denial Status;

(k) "Local district staff means professional staff employed in the administrative offices of a local school district;

(l) "New charter school" means a charter school established within the district which is located in a facility or a portion of a facility which is not currently being operated by the district as a public school;

(m) "Partially Complete" means the district superintendent has determined that a charter school applicant has addressed all areas required in Section 7 of these Rules in its application and has met the minimum standards for the five (5) areas listed in Section 8(e)(ii) (A-E) of these Rules and needs to work with the district superintendent to improve the application in an effort to receive a determination that the application is Complete;

(n) "Pupil outcomes" means the extent to which all pupils of the school demonstrate attainment of the skills and knowledge specified as goals in the school's educational program and shall include performance on state assessments and standards;

(o) "Recognized accrediting agency" means an accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education;

(p) "Superintendent of Public Instruction" means the State Superintendent entrusted with the general oversight and operation of the public schools in Wyoming as created by Wyo. Const. Art. 7, § 14;

(q) "Teacher" means any person employed by or under contract by the board of trustees of a school district or a charter school as a certified professional employee that meets all state and federal requirements, legislation, statutes and rules and regulations including, but not limited to, W.S. § 21-7-303 and No Child Left Behind, P.L. 107-110;

(r) "Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board" means the Board that regulates the certification of teachers and school personnel as appointed by W.S. § 21-2-801;

(s) "Wyoming State Board of Education" means the State Board as created by W.S. § 21-2-301, herein referred to as the State Board.

206-32 Wyo. Code R. § 32-4