(a) A business must apply through a city, town or county for assistance under the convertible loan program. The WBC will grant funds to the local government who will in turn loan the funds to a for-profit business. A portion of the loan may be converted to a grant, if during a designated period of time, as determined by the WBC, the business creates new jobs. The terms, interest rate, and amount of the loan to be converted to a grant shall be determined by the WBC. Generally the amount converted will be $500 per each new job created.
(b) No funds are allocated to this program category, but rather funds may be redirected to the convertible loan category upon council approval, from any CDBG economic development category. Maximum amount per each application shall be $150,000. Minimum amount per each application shall be $10,000.
(c) Activities eligible for funding from the convertible loan program:
(d) Compliance with national objective: At least 51 percent of the jobs created must be available to low and moderate income persons. Applicants should propose methods to ensure preferential recruitment, hiring and training of Wyoming workers, particularly those of low and moderate income.
(e) Any application submitted must contain the following information:
(f) Guidelines for evaluation projects:
(g) Management capacity: Applicants must demonstrate capacity to plan, administer, and service the proposed project, manage the budget, maintain adequate financial records, maintain required project records, submit reports, and meet the proposed timetable for completion. Management capacity is important for the success of a program.
(h) Use of program income: All income derived from the program--principle and interest payments--may be retained by the local government, and re-used for any eligible activity allowed by the state of Wyoming CDBG program.
085-2 Wyo. Code R. § 2-10