064-7 Wyo. Code R. § 7-2

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 7-2 - Ethical Standards

The protection of the public health, safety and welfare and the best interest of the public shall be the primary guide in determining the appropriate professional conduct of licensees and permittees. Licensees and permittees shall:

(a) Practice in a manner that is in the best interest of the public and does not endanger the public health, safety or welfare;

(b) Be able to justify all services rendered to consumers as necessary for diagnostic purposes;

(c) Practice only within the competency areas for which they are licensed or permitted;

(d) Report to the Board known or suspected violations of the laws and regulations governing the practice of licensed professionals;

(e) Ensure that consumers are aware of fees and billing arrangements before rendering services;

(f) Provide consumers with accurate and complete information regarding the extent and nature of services available to them;

(g) Respect the privacy of consumers and hold in confidence all information obtained in the course of professional service;

(h) Disclose consumer records to others only with the expressed written consent of the consumer or as required by law;

(j) Ensure that when advertising their services to the public such advertising is neither fraudulent nor misleading;

(k) Not practice, facilitate or condone discrimination on the basis of race, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, nation origin, marital status, political belief, mental or physical handicap or other preferences or characteristics;

(l) Respond to all requests for information and all other correspondence from the Board.

(m) Display their license at all times in a conspicuous location readily accessible to all consumers at each of the licensee's or permittee's place of business;

(n) File the name and street address of their business with the Board;

(o) Use the business street address in all business advertisements, correspondence and any verbal communications with the consumer;

(p) Use the place of business in providing services to the consumer and to maintain consumer documents, records and files;

(q) Be available to the consumer to whom a hearing aid has been sold, in order to make necessary adjustments or to provide instruction or information about the hearing aid;

(r) Allow the Board or an authorized representative of the Board to inspect sales receipts, audiograms and any other documents related to testing for and fitting of hearing aids on receipt of a relevant complaint or to review adequate supervision of a temporary permittee;

(s) Notify the Board of all licensees and permittees working out of the same place of business if the licensee is an owner of a hearing aid business;

(t) Fit each new hearing aid in person unless the aid is one of the same make and model as a previously owned hearing aid;

(u) Refer each consumer to a licensed physician, preferably a physician who specializes in diseases of the ear, or provide a waiver of this referral to be signed by the consumer on a form separate from the receipt, in accordance with W.S. 33-35-105(b);

(v) Provide a receipt to each person supplied with a hearing aid in accordance with W.S. W.S. 33-35-104; and

(w) Consider that the date of sale is the date of delivery of the hearing aid.

064-7 Wyo. Code R. § 7-2

Amended, Eff. 4/10/2015.