059-6 Wyo. Code R. § 6-7

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 6-7 - Manner of Issuance of Written, Typed or Computer Generated Prescriptions

(a) All controlled substance prescriptions written by a Wyoming practitioner shall be issued on security paper, unless exempted under this Chapter for electronic transmission. Any controlled substance prescription written by a Wyoming practitioner issued on non-security paper may not be dispensed by a pharmacist.

(b) Any written, typed or computer generated prescription issued by a Wyoming practitioner for a Schedule II-V controlled substance except those issued as a medication order for administration in a long-term care facility or institutional facility shall meet the following requirements:

  • (i) Be printed on security paper, which includes the following features:
    • (A) If scanned or copied, "void" is displayed prominently throughout the front side of the document;
    • (B) Front side has erasure protection on green or blue background;
    • (C) Clear instructions printed on the paper indicating the front and back sides;
    • (D) Security warning list on the front or back;
    • (E) Quantity check-off boxes plus numeric forms of quantity values or alpha and numeric forms of quantity value (e.g. 20 and twenty); and
    • (F) Refill indicator (circle or check number of refills or "NR") plus numeric form of refill values or alpha and numeric form of refill values.
  • (ii) All supplies of security paper shall be approved by the Board. Approval shall be based on the suppliers' product meeting the requirements of this chapter. The Board shall make available a listing of all approved suppliers, which is updated at least annually.
  • (iii) All Board approved suppliers of security paper shall provide the Board written assurance that they will distribute prescription pads or paper only to practitioners duly authorized to prescribe controlled substances in Wyoming.

(c) All controlled substance paper prescriptions written by a Wyoming practitioner shall be manually signed in the same manner as the practitioner would sign a check or legal document. The use of electronic or digital signatures or signature stamps is not allowed, unless electronic prescriptions are used according to his chapter.

(d) Prescriptions may be prepared for dating and signature of the practitioner by an authorized agent of the practitioner and the use of preprinted prescriptions is allowed. Under no circumstances may stickers be utilized for information relating to drug, strength, quantity or directions.

(e) Prescriptions shall be dated as of, and signed on, the day when issued and shall bear the patient's full name and address and the full name, address, telephone number and DEA registration number of the issuing practitioner. No postdating of controlled substance prescriptions is allowed.

(f) Prescriptions shall be written in ink, typed or electronically generated.

(g) The prescribing practitioner and dispensing pharmacist share the responsibility to assure compliance with this section.

(h) A refill request for a Schedule III-V controlled substance generated and faxed or requested electronically by the pharmacy to a practitioner for refill authorization need not be printed on security paper.

(i) The information sent by the practitioner to the pharmacy shall indicate who authorized the refill.

(j) A Schedule III-V controlled substance prescription faxed by the practitioner to the pharmacy need not be printed on security paper.

(k) An intern, resident, or foreign physician exempted from registration under Chapter 3 of these rules shall include on all prescriptions issued by him the registration number of the hospital or other institution and the special internal code number assigned to him by the hospital or other institution as provided in Chapter 3 of these rules, in lieu of the registration number of the practitioner required by this section. Each prescription shall have the name of the intern, resident, or foreign physician stamped or printed on it, as well as the signature of the physician.

(l) An official exempted from registration under Chapter 3 of these rules shall include on all prescriptions issued by him, his branch of service or agency (e.g. "U.S. Army" or "Public Health Service") and his service identification number, in lieu of the registration number of the practitioner required by this section. The service identification number of a Public Health Service employee is his Social Security identification number. Each prescription shall have the name of the officer stamped or printed on it, as well as the signature of the officer.

059-6 Wyo. Code R. § 6-7

Amended, Eff. 5/16/2017.

Amended, Eff. 12/11/2018.