The order forms may be obtained only by those persons registered to handle controlled substances in Schedules I and II.
(a) An order form may be executed only by or on behalf of the registrant named thereon and only if his registration is current.
(b) Order forms issued by the DEA will be serially numbered and issued with the name, address and registration number of the registrant, the authorized activity and the schedules of the registrant. This information cannot be altered or changed in any manner.
(c) Order forms shall be prepared using a typewriter, pen or the electronic equivalent.
(d) A registrant may authorize another individual to obtain and execute an order form on his behalf by executing a power of attorney. The power of attorney shall be filed with and retained for the same period as any order form bearing the signature of the grantor. The power of attorney shall be available for inspection.
(e) The purchaser registrant shall submit Copy 1 and Copy 2 of the order form to the supplier and retain Copy 3 with his own records. The supplier shall enter the suppliers DEA registration number, number of packages shipped, and the date shipped on Copies 1 and 2. If the supplier is another local registrant (not a registrant manufacturer or distributor), Copy 2 may be forwarded directly to the DEA Regional Office or the office of the Board of Pharmacy.
(f) The purchaser registrant shall record on Copy 3 of the order form the number of containers received on each item of the order form and the date received.
(g) Order forms and attached corresponding invoices shall be maintained separately from all other records of the registrant for a period of two years. Order forms shall be available for inspection during that time.
(h) The Controlled Substance Ordering System (CSOS) is authorized.
059-4 Wyo. Code R. § 4-6
Adopted, Eff. 5/16/2017.