(a) Not less than twenty-one (21) days prior to an institutional pharmacy licensed by the Board permanently ceasing operation, the Board shall receive written notice of the following: - (i) The last day the institutional pharmacy will be open for business;
- (ii) The proposed disposition of all prescription drug inventory including controlled and non-controlled prescription drug products;
- (iii) The name, address and telephone number of the custodian of records for the following documents, which must be maintained for two (2) years from the date of closure:
- (A) Completed DEA 222 forms or retrievable electronic equivalent;
- (B) Invoices for purchases of Schedule III, IV and V controlled substances; and
- (C) Patient specific records.
- (iv) The date the DEA was contacted regarding the closure and confirmation that all invoices and DEA 222 forms referencing the sale of controlled substances at closure, blank DEA 222 forms and the DEA registration certificate were delivered to the regional DEA office.
(b) At the close of business on the last day the institutional pharmacy is open for business, a controlled substance inventory, including all Schedule II, III, IV and V controlled substances shall be taken. This inventory shall be dated and signed by the PIC. A copy shall be provided to the Board.
(c) An inspection of the pharmacy shall be conducted by the Board after the institutional pharmacy has closed for business and all prescription drug stock has been removed. At the time of inspection, the following documents shall be provided to the Compliance Officer: - (i) A copy of the final controlled substance inventory;
- (ii) The Wyoming institutional pharmacy license;
- (iii) Documentation of the transfer of all prescription drug inventory (controlled and non-controlled) to a third party authorized to have such possession of inventory. Under no circumstances may prescription drug inventory remain in the possession of a person or business that is not authorized by law to have possession; and
- (iv) Any changes to information previously provided to the Board, as required in this chapter.
(d) It is unprofessional conduct for an institutional pharmacy to close in a manner than that prescribed in this chapter.
059-2 Wyo. Code R. § 2-30
Amended, Eff. 10/31/2017.