054-1 Wyo. Code R. § 1-8

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 1-8 - Selection Process

(a) The Board shall designate the financial aid officers to administer this program subject to the following:

  • (i) The financial aid officer shall require each applicant to apply to an approved higher education institution, review each application, and determine whether the applicant is eligible under these rules;
  • (ii) The financial aid officer shall authorize loans from appropriated funds in an amount sufficient to avoid over commitment and to ensure sufficient funds remain available to allow students to complete the program in which they enrolled;
  • (iii) The funds appropriated by the legislature will be allocated by the Board to the University of Wyoming and Wyoming's colleges for undergraduate and graduate nursing students.
  • (iv) Faculty members at both the University of Wyoming and Wyoming's colleges are eligible for funding for doctoral level degrees.
  • (v) The financial aid officers shall report to the Board and the financial institution responsible for servicing the loans the names of all students enrolled in the WYIN program in their respective schools, including students enrolled in WICHE schools or distance learning programs, within 30 days of initial enrollment. Thereafter, the financial aid officers shall report to the Board and the financial institution on a semester basis regarding participants in the program.

054-1 Wyo. Code R. § 1-8

Adopted, Eff. 7/7/2004.