(a) A loan shall be in default when an installment is due and not paid in full within 90 days after the time period provided by these rules.
(b) The process for collection of a loan in default shall be determined by the Board through its designated financial institution.
(c) The student in default shall pay any charges related to offsetting the note or any charges incurred should the note(s) be referred to an outside collection agency and any other collection charges, including attorney's fees allowed by state law.
(d) Loan repayment options under this section may be deferred for:
(e) Students may be relieved from having to repay loans and interest thereon, in whole or in part, when the requirement to repay would cause undue hardship. The financial institution responsible for servicing the loans will use its best judgment in applying the economic hardship deferment criteria used for the Federal Family Education Loan Program. The Board reserves the right to consider any request due to undue hardship.
(f) Complete cancellation of a student's debt will be granted only in limited circumstances. These circumstances may include:
054-1 Wyo. Code R. § 1-14
Adopted, Eff. 7/7/2004.