051-13 Wyo. Code R. § 13-11

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 13-11 - Show and Sale Requirements for Caprine and/or Ovine

(a) If Caprine or Ovine, that are within thirty (30) days of parturition (or that are postpartum, have aborted, or are pregnant and have a vaginal discharge), are allowed at a show, special arrangements shall be made to keep them separate from Caprine or Ovine from different Flocks such that direct contact does not occur and they shall be kept in an area that can and shall be properly cleaned and disinfected.

(b) Should a kidding or lambing occur at the show:

  • (i) The placenta, placental fluids, and bedding must be removed immediately and disposed of in a sanitary landfill or by another method approved by the State.
  • (ii) The dam and her offspring shall:
    • (A) Be removed from the show grounds; or
    • (B) Separated from Caprine or Ovine from different Flocks using:
      • (I) Double fencing with twelve (12) inch spacing between fences; or
      • (II) Solid partitions such that direct contact does not occur.
  • (iii) The pen must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before use by another Caprine or Ovine.

051-13 Wyo. Code R. § 13-11

Amended, Eff. 5/20/2016.