049-3 Wyo. Code R. § 3-4

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 3-4 - Immediate Suspension

(a) During an investigation by Child Care Licensing, Child Protective Services, and/or law enforcement, an immediate suspension shall be requested by the licenser if it becomes apparent to an investigator that emergency action is required to protect the health, safety and/or welfare of children.

(b) The decision to suspend a license shall be made by the Administrator for the Certifying Authority or designee following review of the investigative information. The Notice of Suspension shall include the following:

  • (i) A statement of authority for the suspension;
  • (ii) The suspension of a license is effective immediately;
  • (iii) The right to seek representation by a lawyer, friend, or relative. The Department shall not be responsible for any fees charged; and
  • (iv) The penalty for unlicensed operation.

(c) The licenser or other Department designee shall hand deliver the Notice of Suspension and ensure that all children are picked up by their parents or guardians.

(d) The provider or director shall give a complete list of child care children with parental contact information to the licenser. The licenser or a Department designee shall provide immediate notification to all parents with children in care.

(e) The suspension shall remain in effect while there continues to be a need to protect the health, safety and/or welfare of the children in the child care facility.

(f) The Department shall rescind the suspension when the need to protect the health, safety and/or welfare of the children in the child care facility no longer exists.

(g) The Department may initiate revocation proceedings during the suspension, if warranted.

(h) No action regarding a renewal shall take place while the facility's license is under suspension.

049-3 Wyo. Code R. § 3-4

Adopted, Eff. 10/7/2016.