049-3 Wyo. Code R. § 3-2

Current through April 27, 2019
Section 3-2 - Predisposition Study - Division of Public Assistance and Social Services Personnel

The predisposition study is to be completed by the Division of Public Assistance and Social Services (through the field office), and shall include:

(a) Documentation that the proposed placement meets the following criteria:

  • (i) The child and/or family has emotional, behavioral, mental, physical, medical or nursing care needs to the degree that 24-hour out-of-home care is required; and
  • (ii) Community resources that are appropriate and necessary to maintain the child in his/ her own home are absent or exhausted; and
  • (iii) Out-of-home placement is most likely to remedy the dysfunction that is raising the issue of placement of the child out of his/her own home; and
  • (iv) The placement is the least restrictive, least expensive setting and adequately meets the needs of the child; and
  • (v) A time frame is established for the placement based on the needs of the child; and
  • (vi) Services will be provided to the parents and the child to improve conditions in the parents' home and facilitate return of the child to his/her home (including time frames); and
  • (vii) Services will be provided to the child in the group home or residential treatment facility to address the needs of the child while in placement.

(b) A description of efforts to provide services to the child in the home prior to placement.

(c) Contact with other agencies involved with the child. At a minimum, those contacted shall include the child's school and the Division of Public Assistance and Social Services field office.

(d) A description of the presence of any preexistent and identified handicapping conditions.

(e) A review of the financial resources of the child's parent or guardian and a recommendation of their monthly child support contribution to reimburse the state for a proposed placement.

(f) A review of other funding sources for full or partial payment of the placement, including but not limited to:

  • (i) Title IV-E, the Federal Foster Care Program (formerly referred to as "AFDC-FC");
  • (ii) P.L. 94-142, the Education of the Handicapped Act;
  • (iii) Department of Education funding for children with specific learning disabilities;
  • (iv) Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability (SSD); or
  • (v) Insurance benefits or compensation.

(g) A description of the type of group home or residential treatment facility in which the child is to be placed.

(h) Copies of the completed Division assessment and case plan forms.

(i) A statement by the field office manager or designee that funds are available in the field office court ordered placement budget. If funds are not available, the field office manager or designee shall inform the Administrator or Administrator's designee.

049-3 Wyo. Code R. § 3-2